Review 5/7/2010
I have unfortunately been with this company for almost 3 years. One of the sales people was a family friend and thought he could be trusted, wrong. Stupid me didn't check the Internet and resaech the company and would have found a huge number of complaints and negative comments about this company. At the end of last year, I went through my Bank statements and charges, and noticed huge withdrawals from my account by CPS. I contacted them to get a breakdown and all they could say was I am now being charged the highest rate on all my transactions as being Non Qualified. I have an online company and sell all over the world but most of my overseas transactions are through Paypal not CPS Inc. Transactions. I asked them to document the reason for Non Qualified to support their charges and they couldn't. It is impossible for all my sales to fall under Non Qualified due to the nature of our business. Also their rates are the highest in the industry. People, this company can't be trusted and should be shut down. I am considering legal and formal action against Carp Payment Solutions Inc. In Santa Barbara, Ca.and fianling with the FCC and other. If you are currently with them, check your statement you will see what I am talking about. The best thing you can do to save money and hardship is to find another company as fast as you can and run! , There are many other qualified and reputable companies to use